"Cathedral Prayer"
"Cathedral Prayer"

Best in Show for Painting

SimOna Nemcova

"Dawn of Spring"
"Dawn of Spring"

Ayako Abe-Miller

"Oak Leaf Fantasy"
"Oak Leaf Fantasy"

Kristine Burton

"At the Water’s Edge"
"At the Water’s Edge"

Kristine Burton


Cathy Chi

"The Emotions of Water"
"The Emotions of Water"

Tiny Cholvibul

"Prosperity and Longevity"
"Prosperity and Longevity"

Wei Ting Chuang

"Spring's Overture"
"Spring's Overture"

Wei Ting Chuang

"Pine and Cone"
"Pine and Cone"

Sharon Crosby

"The Sun and the Storm"
"The Sun and the Storm"

Susan Frame


Robin Frosh

"Explosion of Spring"
"Explosion of Spring"

Robin Frosh

"Precarious Landing"
"Precarious Landing"

Sumiestore Award

Judy Giguere

"Peacock on a Branch"
"Peacock on a Branch"

Steven Grant

"Tulip Spring"
"Tulip Spring"

Mary Gunderson

"Loggerhead Sea Turtle"
"Loggerhead Sea Turtle"

Patricia Gustafson

"Bird In Paradise"
"Bird In Paradise"

Blanche Gyberg

"Happy Landscape"
"Happy Landscape"

Blanche Gyberg

"Five More Minutes"
"Five More Minutes"

Blue Heron Arts Company Award

Yukiko Hatheway

"A Cordial Hello"
"A Cordial Hello"

Yukiko Hatheway

"Wild Fruits"
"Wild Fruits"

Dongpei He

"Peony In Sunny Spring 3"
"Peony In Sunny Spring 3"

Blick Art Materials Award

Dongpei He

"Red Maples in Bloom"
"Red Maples in Bloom"

Gary Heise

"Riding Against the Wind"
"Riding Against the Wind"

Carla Jaranson


Claire Jin

"Kolob Mountain"
"Kolob Mountain"

Bob Jones

"Provo River"
"Provo River"

Bob Jones

"Encounter on a Snowy Road"
"Encounter on a Snowy Road"

Spirit of Sumi-e Award

Satomi Kamei

"Peacock Family"
"Peacock Family"

Richard Kaufman

"Magic Mountains"
"Magic Mountains"

Richard Kaufman

"Insomnia's Rewards"
"Insomnia's Rewards"

Shibui Chapter Award

Wynne Keller


I-Hsiung Ju Memorial Award

Bok Kim


Sin-Myung Kim

"Spring 1"
"Spring 1"

Grace Hueyoung Kim

"Striking Red Daylily"
"Striking Red Daylily"

Anne Klein

Sudden Summer Storm
Sudden Summer Storm

Anne Klein

"Facing the Cold"
"Facing the Cold"

Ann Kozeliski

"The Potter's Hands"
"The Potter's Hands"

Dr. Shozo Sato Award

Ann Kozeliski

"Blooming Elegance"
"Blooming Elegance"

Founder's Award

Deanne Kroll

"Harbor at Rest"
"Harbor at Rest"

Jade Lam

"Welcoming Spring"
"Welcoming Spring"

Jade Lam

"The Day of Jubilee"
"The Day of Jubilee"

MoonJoo Lee

"The Chorus of Spring"
"The Chorus of Spring"

MoonJoo Lee

"On My Way"
"On My Way"

Roslyn Levin

"Building Our Future Together"
"Building Our Future Together"

Roslyn Levin


Betzi Robinson Award

Albert Hamabad III K. Libre

"Misty Mountains"
"Misty Mountains"

Paul Lifton

"Summertime Ascent"
"Summertime Ascent"

Paul Lifton

"Spring Fling"
"Spring Fling"

Virginia Lloyd-Davies

"Out of the Mist"
"Out of the Mist"

Virginia Lloyd-Davies

"Aquatic Rhapsody"
"Aquatic Rhapsody"

Joan Lok

"Sunset over Yomegashima"
"Sunset over Yomegashima"

Mark Malecki

"Guardian King"
"Guardian King"

Sarasota Chapter Award

Frederica Marshall

"New Spring"
"New Spring"

Ting Mei

"World Adrift"
"World Adrift"

Linda Mulhauser

"Red Sun Over Field"
"Red Sun Over Field"

Linda Mulhauser

"Hopi Fire"
"Hopi Fire"

SimOna Nemcova

"Before the Rain"
"Before the Rain"

Maria Papp

"Childhood Memory"
"Childhood Memory"

Jong-Sim Park

"The Flute"
"The Flute"

David Patten

"Forest Meditation"
"Forest Meditation"

David Patten


Sophia Pineda


Sophia Pineda


Blue Heron Chapter Award

Li-Wen Quach

"A Spring Scenery"
"A Spring Scenery"

Li-Wen Quach


Diane Riska-Taylor

"Krill Dance Through Baleen Waters"
"Krill Dance Through Baleen Waters"

Diane Riska-Taylor

"Bird's Delight"
"Bird's Delight"

Susan Ryan

"Old Friend"
"Old Friend"

Carol Sanfilippo


Judith Schutzman


Jean Seelig

"Cricket and Daisy Flowers"
"Cricket and Daisy Flowers"

Sungsook Setton


Renee Sonka

"Sierra Night"
"Sierra Night"

Frank Spink

"Symbols of Longevity 1"
"Symbols of Longevity 1"

Chong Spitzer

"A Dozen Crows"
"A Dozen Crows"

Kay Storck

"Path to the Temple"
"Path to the Temple"

Sumiestore Award

Kay Storck


Hitomi Tatsumi

"Manhattan Night View"
"Manhattan Night View"

American Frame Award

Hitomi Tatsumi

"The Storm"
"The Storm"

Jane Grace Taylor

"Early Morning Breakfast"
"Early Morning Breakfast"

Delene Teller


Long Island Chapter Award

Suzanne Tolstoy

"Blue Heron Splash"
"Blue Heron Splash"

Carol Waite

"The Bao Wine Ware of the Western Zhou"
"The Bao Wine Ware of the Western Zhou"

Jianrong Wang

"Tamed North Shore Lupine"
"Tamed North Shore Lupine"

Peggy Duke Memorial Award

Kathryn Weese

"Glad...I'm in Love"
"Glad...I'm in Love"

Kathryn Weese

"Hanakotoba Blue Iris"
"Hanakotoba Blue Iris"

Lorean Weng

"Sauntering Sanderlings"
"Sauntering Sanderlings"

Nancy West


Nancy West

"Plum Blossom Straight Shooter"
"Plum Blossom Straight Shooter"

Kathy Wong

"Lotus with Pinkie"
"Lotus with Pinkie"

National Capital Area Chapter Award

Kathy Wong

"Scent of Mum"
"Scent of Mum"

Kyong Sook Woo

"Hidden Beauty"
"Hidden Beauty"

Maxine Xu

"Lost - Abstract Flowers and Leaves"
"Lost - Abstract Flowers and Leaves"

Maxine Xu

"Garden Activity"
"Garden Activity"

Midwest Chapter Award

Hsi-Mei Yates

"Standing Tall"
"Standing Tall"

Carole Yee

"Journey to the Immortal Land"
"Journey to the Immortal Land"

Hisshin Chapter of NE Florida Award

Carole Yee


Jae Soon Yi


Jae Soon Yi

"Encounter in the Forest"
"Encounter in the Forest"

Fumiyo Yoshikawa

"Forest's Secret"
"Forest's Secret"

Ming Chiao Chapter Award

Fumiyo Yoshikawa

"Cathedral Prayer"
"Dawn of Spring"
"Oak Leaf Fantasy"
"At the Water’s Edge"
"The Emotions of Water"
"Prosperity and Longevity"
"Spring's Overture"
"Pine and Cone"
"The Sun and the Storm"
"Explosion of Spring"
"Precarious Landing"
"Peacock on a Branch"
"Tulip Spring"
"Loggerhead Sea Turtle"
"Bird In Paradise"
"Happy Landscape"
"Five More Minutes"
"A Cordial Hello"
"Wild Fruits"
"Peony In Sunny Spring 3"
"Red Maples in Bloom"
"Riding Against the Wind"
"Kolob Mountain"
"Provo River"
"Encounter on a Snowy Road"
"Peacock Family"
"Magic Mountains"
"Insomnia's Rewards"
"Spring 1"
"Striking Red Daylily"
Sudden Summer Storm
"Facing the Cold"
"The Potter's Hands"
"Blooming Elegance"
"Harbor at Rest"
"Welcoming Spring"
"The Day of Jubilee"
"The Chorus of Spring"
"On My Way"
"Building Our Future Together"
"Misty Mountains"
"Summertime Ascent"
"Spring Fling"
"Out of the Mist"
"Aquatic Rhapsody"
"Sunset over Yomegashima"
"Guardian King"
"New Spring"
"World Adrift"
"Red Sun Over Field"
"Hopi Fire"
"Before the Rain"
"Childhood Memory"
"The Flute"
"Forest Meditation"
"A Spring Scenery"
"Krill Dance Through Baleen Waters"
"Bird's Delight"
"Old Friend"
"Cricket and Daisy Flowers"
"Sierra Night"
"Symbols of Longevity 1"
"A Dozen Crows"
"Path to the Temple"
"Manhattan Night View"
"The Storm"
"Early Morning Breakfast"
"Blue Heron Splash"
"The Bao Wine Ware of the Western Zhou"
"Tamed North Shore Lupine"
"Glad...I'm in Love"
"Hanakotoba Blue Iris"
"Sauntering Sanderlings"
"Plum Blossom Straight Shooter"
"Lotus with Pinkie"
"Scent of Mum"
"Hidden Beauty"
"Lost - Abstract Flowers and Leaves"
"Garden Activity"
"Standing Tall"
"Journey to the Immortal Land"
"Encounter in the Forest"
"Forest's Secret"
"Cathedral Prayer"

Best in Show for Painting

SimOna Nemcova

"Dawn of Spring"

Ayako Abe-Miller

"Oak Leaf Fantasy"

Kristine Burton

"At the Water’s Edge"

Kristine Burton


Cathy Chi

"The Emotions of Water"

Tiny Cholvibul

"Prosperity and Longevity"

Wei Ting Chuang

"Spring's Overture"

Wei Ting Chuang

"Pine and Cone"

Sharon Crosby

"The Sun and the Storm"

Susan Frame


Robin Frosh

"Explosion of Spring"

Robin Frosh

"Precarious Landing"

Sumiestore Award

Judy Giguere

"Peacock on a Branch"

Steven Grant

"Tulip Spring"

Mary Gunderson

"Loggerhead Sea Turtle"

Patricia Gustafson

"Bird In Paradise"

Blanche Gyberg

"Happy Landscape"

Blanche Gyberg

"Five More Minutes"

Blue Heron Arts Company Award

Yukiko Hatheway

"A Cordial Hello"

Yukiko Hatheway

"Wild Fruits"

Dongpei He

"Peony In Sunny Spring 3"

Blick Art Materials Award

Dongpei He

"Red Maples in Bloom"

Gary Heise

"Riding Against the Wind"

Carla Jaranson


Claire Jin

"Kolob Mountain"

Bob Jones

"Provo River"

Bob Jones

"Encounter on a Snowy Road"

Spirit of Sumi-e Award

Satomi Kamei

"Peacock Family"

Richard Kaufman

"Magic Mountains"

Richard Kaufman

"Insomnia's Rewards"

Shibui Chapter Award

Wynne Keller


I-Hsiung Ju Memorial Award

Bok Kim


Sin-Myung Kim

"Spring 1"

Grace Hueyoung Kim

"Striking Red Daylily"

Anne Klein

Sudden Summer Storm

Anne Klein

"Facing the Cold"

Ann Kozeliski

"The Potter's Hands"

Dr. Shozo Sato Award

Ann Kozeliski

"Blooming Elegance"

Founder's Award

Deanne Kroll

"Harbor at Rest"

Jade Lam

"Welcoming Spring"

Jade Lam

"The Day of Jubilee"

MoonJoo Lee

"The Chorus of Spring"

MoonJoo Lee

"On My Way"

Roslyn Levin

"Building Our Future Together"

Roslyn Levin


Betzi Robinson Award

Albert Hamabad III K. Libre

"Misty Mountains"

Paul Lifton

"Summertime Ascent"

Paul Lifton

"Spring Fling"

Virginia Lloyd-Davies

"Out of the Mist"

Virginia Lloyd-Davies

"Aquatic Rhapsody"

Joan Lok

"Sunset over Yomegashima"

Mark Malecki

"Guardian King"

Sarasota Chapter Award

Frederica Marshall

"New Spring"

Ting Mei

"World Adrift"

Linda Mulhauser

"Red Sun Over Field"

Linda Mulhauser

"Hopi Fire"

SimOna Nemcova

"Before the Rain"

Maria Papp

"Childhood Memory"

Jong-Sim Park

"The Flute"

David Patten

"Forest Meditation"

David Patten


Sophia Pineda


Sophia Pineda


Blue Heron Chapter Award

Li-Wen Quach

"A Spring Scenery"

Li-Wen Quach


Diane Riska-Taylor

"Krill Dance Through Baleen Waters"

Diane Riska-Taylor

"Bird's Delight"

Susan Ryan

"Old Friend"

Carol Sanfilippo


Judith Schutzman


Jean Seelig

"Cricket and Daisy Flowers"

Sungsook Setton


Renee Sonka

"Sierra Night"

Frank Spink

"Symbols of Longevity 1"

Chong Spitzer

"A Dozen Crows"

Kay Storck

"Path to the Temple"

Sumiestore Award

Kay Storck


Hitomi Tatsumi

"Manhattan Night View"

American Frame Award

Hitomi Tatsumi

"The Storm"

Jane Grace Taylor

"Early Morning Breakfast"

Delene Teller


Long Island Chapter Award

Suzanne Tolstoy

"Blue Heron Splash"

Carol Waite

"The Bao Wine Ware of the Western Zhou"

Jianrong Wang

"Tamed North Shore Lupine"

Peggy Duke Memorial Award

Kathryn Weese

"Glad...I'm in Love"

Kathryn Weese

"Hanakotoba Blue Iris"

Lorean Weng

"Sauntering Sanderlings"

Nancy West


Nancy West

"Plum Blossom Straight Shooter"

Kathy Wong

"Lotus with Pinkie"

National Capital Area Chapter Award

Kathy Wong

"Scent of Mum"

Kyong Sook Woo

"Hidden Beauty"

Maxine Xu

"Lost - Abstract Flowers and Leaves"

Maxine Xu

"Garden Activity"

Midwest Chapter Award

Hsi-Mei Yates

"Standing Tall"

Carole Yee

"Journey to the Immortal Land"

Hisshin Chapter of NE Florida Award

Carole Yee


Jae Soon Yi


Jae Soon Yi

"Encounter in the Forest"

Fumiyo Yoshikawa

"Forest's Secret"

Ming Chiao Chapter Award

Fumiyo Yoshikawa

show thumbnails